My name is Ivana and I'm 15 years old. I live in Sabadell, Barcelona. In fact I'm from Bulgaria but I came here 4 years ago. I study in IES Pau Vila. I live in the center of Sabadell ( Rambla ) with my parents, I don't have any brothers or sisters. I live in a flat and it isn't very big, but anyway, I have two parrots. I really would like to have a monkey as a pet. I have decided that when I marry, my hasband will buy me one.
I'm very interested in fashion. I love buying clothes and things so  if I've got money I just can't control myself.
I often go to the disco with my friends and we have a really good time. The thing is that if you go every saturday you get borred, so for this reason I don't go every week. I love my friends, I wouldn't be nothing without them.
At this moment my life is such a big disaster, I don't know where I'm going and where I'm now..