Michael and Carole Middleton will be paying towards their daughter's wedding to Prince William next April.

The self-made millionaires have insisted on a contribution to the royal event, and are said to want to pay for a specific aspect of the wedding, like the honeymoon or Kate's dress, rather than make an overall, more "impersonal" contribution.

According to a royal source: "Prince William and Catherine's intention right from the outset has been to make sure that the Middleton family are as tied into the arrangements as possible.

"It was a very kind offer on their part and it has been kindly received at this end. We don’t expect their contribution to be a percentage of the final bill, which would be quite impersonal; it's much more likely that they will offer to pay for something specific."

1.What have Kate MAddleton's parents offert for their doughter and her husbend?
2.What kind of people are they?

Birthday of Buddha

Buddhists across the world will be celebrating the official birthday of Buddha this week.

Followers of the Mahayana school of Buddhism commemorate Buddha's birthday with prayer, contemplation and also festivities, including the Lotus Lantern Festival in South Korea. Buddha is believed to have been born around 2,555 years ago.

1. When was Buddha born?
2. How do they celebrate Buddha's birthday?

William and Catherine's tropical honeymoon finally gets under way

The Duchess of Cambridge will finally get to use the new swimwear she purchased before her wedding.

Catherine and her new husband have eventually gone on honeymoon.

The couple left Anglesey on Monday, jetting off on a private jet to a tropical destination.

The exact location of their break is being kept a closely guarded secret, as is the length of time they'll stay there.

A Clarence House spokesperson said: "We are not confirming, and we are not commenting, on speculation on where they may be going on their private honeymoon.

"We are just confirming they have gone."
Prince William has taken two weeks leave from his post as an RAF search and rescue pilot.

He spent one week back at work following the wedding, but not before the couple had enjoyed a weekend break at a secret UK destination.

There has been much speculation as to where William and his new wife are going this week. It's been said that not even Kate knew until the last moment.

1. How many weeks are they going to spend in their honeymoon?
2. Which day did they go away?

South Korea row over short school skirts

A local education board in Gangwon Province has announced plans to place boards in front of all school desks, to make students more "comfortable".
The local assembly in Gangwon is beginning a session on Wednesday during which they will decide whether to approve funding for the refurbishment.
The move will cost around $700,000 (£427,000).
As hemlines in Korean classrooms rise, so it seems does the cost of accommodating them.
Gangwon's Board of Education says it plans to fit boards to the front of 50,000 desks this summer to "help students sit more comfortably in class".
School rules
It is being prompted, at least in part, by the ever-shorter skirts being worn by female students.
In one survey, quoted in a local paper, school hemlines have reportedly risen 10-15cm (4-6in) in the last decade.
And that is apparently making everyone uncomfortable.
An official from the Education Board told local media that the blocking boards also had the support of teachers - who wanted to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
They do not however have the support of the Teachers' Federation here, which has put out a statement condemning the refurbishment as a waste of money.
The matter would be much more easily and cheaply resolved, it says, by enforcing the rules on school uniform.

1. What is the article about?
2. Witch is their project?
3. Do you thing that they're wrong or right?

Ashton Kutcher replaces Sheen in Two and a Half Men

Kutcher, who is married to actress Demi Moore, has hosted the prank show Punk'd and is probably best known as Michael Kelso on Fox's That 70s Show.
"I can't replace Charlie Sheen but I'm going to work my ass off to entertain the hell out of people," Kutcher said.
Warner cut the show short and fired Sheen two months ago amid outbursts and reported problems with drink and drugs.
Kutcher is a prolific tweeter and had earlier hinted on Twitter that he had the role, when he said: "What's the square root of 6.25?" (answer: 2.5).
Ratings success
"We are so lucky to have someone as talented, joyful and just plain remarkable as Ashton joining our family," said Chuck Lorre, the show's creator and executive producer.
"Added to that is the deep sigh of relief knowing that our family stays together. If I was any happier, it'd be illegal."
Sheen, who played hedonistic jingle writer Charlie Harper, was involved in a series of incidents that suggested he had personal problems.
Despite that, Two and a Half Men had continued its ratings success on the CBS network until Sheen's abrupt departure cut short the eighth series.
CBS said production on the ninth series of the comedy would start in the summer for broadcast in the autumn.

1. And what do you thing about this changing? Give your opinion.

Obama to wrap up Europe tour in Poland

US President Barack Obama is wrapping up his six-day European tour in Warsaw, meeting Polish political leaders.
The meetings will focus on defence and energy issues but Mr Obama will also seek to reassure Poles unhappy at his shelving of his predecessor's missile defence shield.
On Friday Mr Obama laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and visited the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial.
He also attended a dinner with 20 central and eastern European leaders.
Shale gas
The BBC's Stephen Evans in Warsaw says Polish leaders hope Mr Obama will rectify what many saw as a slight when Mr Obama cancelled President George W Bush's missile shield plan.
Our correspondent says Polish leaders were disappointed when President Obama decided not to go ahead with the shield on Polish soil, reading it as deference to Russia and as a sign of a lack of commitment to Poland.
Mr Obama will meet President Bronislaw Komorowski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Saturday.
The US has announced at least one new initiative on security.
White House national security official, Liz Sherwood Randall, travelling with Mr Obama, said a US air detachment would be set up in Poland.
"It will be a small permanent presence on the ground and then a rotational presence that will be more substantial," she said.
However, Mr Obama has not granted Poland's desire for a visa waiver for its citizens travelling to the US.
One key area under discussion will be energy.
Poland has reserves of shale which hold natural gas.
Our correspondent says Germany and Russia do not want those reserves opened up, Germany for environmental reasons and Russia perhaps because it currently exports much gas to the whole region.
He says the hope in Warsaw is that Mr Obama will support the opening of the shale reserves, ideally with the help of American energy companies.
On Friday evening, Mr Obama told the gathered eastern and central European leaders: "We have taken great inspiration from the blossoming of freedom and economic growth in this region and we're confident that will continue and we want to be a part of that process of strengthening your democracies, strengthening your economies and to be a full partner.
Mr Obama visited Warsaw's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
"I hope that... this [meeting] signifies how important we consider our relationship with central and eastern Europe".
Earlier in the day, Mr Obama placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw.
He also greeted Holocaust survivors at the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes.
Hours before Mr Obama's arrival, Polish headlines were dominated by reports that Solidarity founder Lech Walesa was refusing to meet him.
US President Barack Obama, accompanied by Polish officers, lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, 27 MayMr Walesa said he feared such a meeting would only be a "photo opportunity", amid reports that he was offended for not being offered a one-on-one meeting with the US president.
"I believe one day I will meet with Obama but not this time," Mr Walesa told AFP news agency.
He wished the US president "very well", then added, "but sometimes things just don't work out".

 1. What will the meeting focus on?

Selena says Justin is her 'thunder' as the pair frolic on the beach

They recently went public with their relationship after months spent denying any romantic involvement.

But actress Selena Gomez and pop sensation Justin Bieber already seem comfortable discussing their love.

When asked if he was "the thunder to her lightning" - a reference to the lyrics of her single Naturally  - the Disney star replied: "Yeah, I think so." 

The 18-year-old revealed she believes the perfect relationship is based on "compassion, honesty and having fun".

"I'd like to think that's what I've got," she added.

And the young lovebirds certainly seemed to be having fun when they were spotted on the beach in Maui earlier this week, puting on a very public display of affection.

The Canadian star had been enjoying a romantic vacation with Selena, staying in a $10,000 a night suite at the Four Seasons Hotel.

As the couple frolicked on the beach, Justin swept the brunette in his arms and she wrapped her legs around him as they embraced in full view of beach-goers.
They were, no doubt, eager to cherish their time together, which Selena also revealed is hard to come by with Justin, 17, in the middle of his world tour.

She admits long-distance romances are no easy feat.

"There's no point getting on the phone and being like "I haven't heard from you, why didn’t you call me?" and bickering about it," she said.

"You need to be able to support each other from a distance but also give each other space and continue to live your life."

Earlier in the week, they attended the Billboard Music Awards where Justin, who picked up six awards, looked dapper in a gold jacket.

And the pair embraced before he went up to collect an award, to wild cheers from the crowd.

1. What type of relationship do they have?
2. What does Selena say about them and the distance?
3. Give your own opinion about all of the information you have here.

Fashion monster: The weird and wonderful wardrobe of Lady Gaga

 With a slew of global number ones and platinum-selling albums, there's no doubting Lady Gaga's musical credentials.

But we all know there's more to the singer than her abilty to write an insanely catchy tune.

As the star continues to surprise us with her outlandish fashion ensembles, we take a look at some of her most extravagant wardrobe choices.

Of course, the one people remember most was that dress: the MTV Music Video Awards outfit which was fashioned entirely from meat.

1. What do you thing about his ''clothes'' in this photos? 
2. Where did she wear the ''meat dress'' ?
3. What do people normally thing about her?